
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #DifferentKindsOfCollectibles

“Right over left, left over right makes a knot both tidy and tight.”
Alexander the Great* #quote

         Now then let's say you get pizza delivered to you. The pizza delivery boy gives you a pizza box without any pizza in it that inside a larger pizza box that has pizza inside of it, giving you both boxes. However even though he gave you a large box the smaller box is technically the pizza box that you purchased. So the question is, did the pizza delivery boy give you your pizza? Or just an empty box that happened to be carried inside of a box that had your pizza inside of it as well.
        Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Different Kinds Of Collectibles

Some people collect toys. They can be cool and cute and neat in many ways.
There are so many kinds.
Some people collect antiques. They have such a history, and can be so interesting.
There are so many kinds.
Some people collect cars. They're impressive, can be fancy, humble and so much more.
There are so many kinds.
Some people collect cards. Some for baseball, some you can play games. Either way just fun!
There are so many kinds.
People collect so many things. So many, many kinds of things. Maybe too many to list.
What do aliens collect? People. They're incredible, complex and intricate.
There are so many kinds.

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