
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #VirtuallyNothingness

“You broke my heart.”
Robert Jarvik* #quote

     Today I read webcomics on the Internet along with my usual writing stuff along with giving my mother delectable chocolates for mothers day. She loved the chocolates and I liked a few of the comics I read. Good thing about the Internet is it gives a platform for anybody to try showing their work to the world.    Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Virtually Nothingness

          Y'know I used to play games using the virtual reality tools they have plugged into my brain now. Some where I would fight towering dragons while juggling fire in my hands. The programs would use machine to have your brain see things you couldn't possibly see in real life. I'd be thinking, “Dave, you're a wizard now.” I could see a wand in my hand and I would be wearing robes. They would create vast fields in front of me and I could smell the sweet aroma of their flowers in the air. So many different adventures or vacations or other wonderful things in the virtual reality.
       But now the virtual reality made me experience nothing. As much of nothing that the programmers could. I couldn't call it space. Space has depth. This was even less than that. Normal virtual reality scenarios requires input to what it will tell your body to see and experience my brain is being told total nothingness. Not even blackness or whiteness. Not any intensity of noise. No sensory information reaches me. I can't even struggle, the machine tells my brain I have no limbs in this virtual land.
    I'm now really not anything but the thoughts in my head and no outside experience. True, perfect loneliness. I'm starting to bend and twist my memories and imagination to try and make a reality for myself only really making myself insane.
       Should I be pitied? This is the modern prison cell selected for murderers like me.

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