“Don't be a big mouth.”
Pac-Man #quote
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are great together, they are
great partners. You also jam radars. Since peanut butter is such a
partner of jam, does than mean that it can also stop radar. Can you
peanut butter radar? I oughta try it out sometime.
The Indecisive Painter
Clyde needed to make a decision. Red or blue. What stroke of color
should he use to start his painting. From there the color would give
him inspiration for a subject matter by being the baseline of how he
creates the work. After all the first stroke creates the baseline for
shading and how other colors are built on top of it. He'd been at it
for over an hour. He occasionally scratched his beard, as if some
sort of color besides gray would come out of it. Red or blue. Red or
blue. Red or blue.
“Oh for the love of God. Again?” His wife said while she walked
into the room and saw the blank canvas. She then grabbed one of the
spare brushes in the studio and dabbed it in purple and stroked it on
the canvas.
Clyde smiled. Purple was the perfect color to start. Not red or
blue. His wife didn't know how to paint. But she certainly knew how
to inspire him.
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