ahead, punk, make my day.”
birthday party is coming up this weekend so that'll be fun.
Unfortunately can't go to the first part because it's laser tag.
Normally my seizures aren't triggered by lights but they have really
crazy ones going on in the background and I don't want to risk it,
plus even without that the intense physical activity would probably
make me have a huge amount. (I can't do much high tensity stuff or
else I'll seize. Normally my exercise is walking. Jogging or running
would probably make me seize.) Anyway the latter party will be fun
and I already ordered a neat gift for the friend from amazon and made
a custom card. (I took an art class, I'm OK at drawing but I really
needed to polish up so it didn't look to great. That's why I had a
little confidence in making a comic a few weeks back. My best skill
lies in my stippling. Maybe I'll see if CJ wants to work on a comic.)
Anyway onto the
flash fiction!
A 4D Pizza
Drayiu is a
very forgetful multidimensional creature and while he was ordering
pizza he kept forgetting things he wanted to order. To make sure he
could have his pizza on time he kept bending space-time so he could
keep asking over and over again and alter the spatial state of the
pizza to make sure it had everything. The pizza delivery place
computers couldn't tell much what was going on but every human could
tell something was off. (Drayiu was an multidimensional creature who
had decided to retire on Earth because of the wonderful weather and
food. He had to disguise himself as a human though, tentacles would
be socially awkward.) Everyone kept feeling deja vu(and every time
Drayiu forgot an ingredient and had to mess with time again and
reorder plus scramble everybody's memory) the deja vu got more
intense. And nobody in the pizza place could rationalize why all the
clocks suddenly were off a bit. (Drayiu couldn't alter time
completely and each time a millisecond built up and eventually each
clock changed a little)
And the thing
that baffled the pizza place the most is why they had fifty different
receipt copies for one guy. Each receipt was from a different time
line and a change in order. Though each time line corrected the
previous receipts to conform to the current one. But no matter the
confusion on the side of the pizza place at least Drayiu got his
pizza hot and kinda-sorta in thirty minutes or less.
Comment: And he ate the pizza with Erwin Schrödinger
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