
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #PsychicPosting

“That's my boy!”
Darth Vader*

      Today was a good day. Good progress writing and such. Also less seizures than normal. Oh, wait something bad did happen, evil aliens did attack. That was problematic. Did solve the problem by bribing them to leave with pizza.

Psychic Posting

      In the world of psychic virtual reality social networking had evolved beyond simply posting messages on blogs or webpages. People's minds could directly manipulate and enter virtual space with simple helmets in this new world. So now they made little virtual worlds for their friends to visit where they posted objects that reflected their very minds.
     For non-psychics to understand these spaces would be difficult to impossible with direct experience. Posting of the mind is direct and pure. Something simple enough for a non-psychic to understand would be a posting of pain. It's a strong, and when perceived is a solid thing that becomes piecing dominate and all encompassing in the tangible space it touches. The sensation of hurt becoming an object itself and processed by the mind that way.
      This is the simplest thing for a non-psychic. This specific example is one of an intense pain. One of both emotional and physical. The moment in an accident when you're leg is pinned and being crushed. Your bleeding out and hopelessly calling out. You're mind is posting to some virtual space but help won't come in time because that or your screams won't get you and the emotional pain also comes from knowing you will die. This is an example from the the life of one Mr. Sam Edwaen.

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