
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TumblingRumblingNumbers

“Safety first!”
Evel Knievel*

      Well on Friday I've got both my writing and nerdy club then my birthday party on Saturday the coming weekend. That means tomorrow I'm probably going to want to grind out three stories to make sure I have something that day then something for those two days for you all.

Tumbling Rumbling Numbers

      I am Dr. Gearson, brilliant robot scientist. I'm quite old. Gone through many upgrades with my memories transplanted through the many versions of the robot “brains” made throughout time. (Pretty much computers folks but with chips arranged in a liquid mesh.) Over and over again I get asked at public speaking events by people who don't know anything about human vs robot brain science to sum it all up “simply”. I'm the expert in the field so it must be easy for me right? Sum up simply how comparable to human consciousness arose from computer chips in liquid. So yeah, toss away my planned speech to sum it up for the person who doesn't get it. Great.
       Finally I got mad enough to give a blunt answer to the question of explaining “simply” the relation of human vs robot brains.
       “Alright.” I said to the audience member that asked the question at this particular event “The answer to your question is this: The human brain is amazing network of biological components so elegant and dynamic in form that its mere existence has given rise to the concept of concepts so divine as a soul. While a robot brain is an impressive mess of numbers tumbling and rumbling through computer chips inside of a liquid mesh all invented by a group of brilliant, devoted and somewhat crazy scientists to make a sort of entity that can only resemble in form but never really be the consciousness that the human brain creates.”
      “Oh, okay.” The audience member responded.

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