
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheNatureOfTheUltimateWeapon

“Your soul for immortality.”
Deal or No Deal*

      Well today I looked at the schedule for my school club thingie and it looks like this week I'll be going to my anime club so yaaaayyyyyyyyyyy. On a bad news note I deleted the page Writing Links. Fun fact google has a program for websites that looks at them and determines whether or not their spam sites based on the links they show. Realized my writing links page had links to some products I link and think writers would like. But I don't want the machine to think I'm a spam site and remove me off google search or worse yet delete me as a blog so I am removing it. This robot is judge, jury and executioner and appealing to the company is very difficult so I didn't want to take the risk. The program scans pretty much all websites and all blogs google searches. (Hilariously Viagra's offical website was taken down because viagra is associated with spam so often)

Anyway onto the flash fiction!

       The Nature Of The Ultimate Weapons

      Ultimate weapons are big and scary aren't they? You know the nuclear bomb? Though it was so powerful they don't really use it. Now its often something had for the sake of having. Use it instead of normal weapons and all the nations will attack you with theirs. It's been a few hundred years since World War II and since then that's usually what happens to nations that use nuclear bombs as their main method of attack.  Ultimate weapons beget ultimate weapons and after a new desert gets made everyone puts them away.
So people made their nuclear bombs for the sake of having them then made more ultimate weapons for the sake of having them. Better to scare then fight. In the age I live in sometimes its convincing another country politically if a fight with you will lead to sheer devastation.
      The unfortunate part for me is I'm one of the ultimate weapons that exists for the sake of existing. Is there a more elegant way to describe me then a living death machine? Research on artificial intelligence for war. The scientists who built me told me they never wanted me to fight. I have weapons capable of leveling cities and armor that would take other ultimate weapons to break. Funnily the scientists gave me acting lessons. Acting lessons to be as scary as possible. Mostly because I wasn't capable of natural malice. They couldn't program natural malice. Programming just normal combat training was impossible. That would be a normal combat robot. They couldn't stick that code within my normal code and not ruin my learning capabilities. Generals found it frustrating that their death machine didn't have a natural disposition to violence.
     But other nations don't know that. They see me desolate nations as I act real scary. I couldn't kill a normal human. They're like the scientists that raised me. And as my code that normally made me learn adapted it locked them too well as something I wanted to protect. Humans in general really. I did a good job of scaring nations. At least like a nuclear bomb I didn't need to cause that much damage to people to scare them. A few mountains made the point.
      I stopped many wars. But one time another nation decided it was strong enough. And that it needed war with us. It built another machine to fight me. Another super robot. It had better weapons but I was smarter. The other nation decided they could skip on intelligence and just stick on bigger and better guns. The scientists also taught me how to fight. I had a plan to defeat it specifically, made with the help of information gathered by our own spies on the robot.
     That's what made the battle short. I knew how to beat it. But like with wars with most ultimate weapons there was a desert. The desert was the enemy nation. I didn't see bodies as most of them were dust but I knew people had died as collateral damage. But what was I to do? If I didn't fight the enemy would have slaughtered us and I would have betrayed those who raised me. And the collateral damage from me winning was less than them crushing my entire nation. Our battle took out a city. A city that was now a desert.
     In peacetime I spend most of my time in an underground complex being visited by the scientists and military officials. The scientists actually give me Internet access to socialize with humans and be among them not as a machine. They believed that much in my intelligence. But the worst thing is in that room when I go online I'm not sure how many of the people I knew online were in that desert I made.

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