
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheRobotKingAndTheMagicalMafia

“Burn, baby burn!”
Smokey the bear*

      Worked on Writers of the Future story. Hope this one does good. They didn't like Fate's Keys so I hope this one does well. I'm thinking it will. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Robot King and the Magical Mafia

       “This is most curious meeting I've ever had,” said Mr. Drake smiling showing off his dragon teeth. He puffed a bit of smoke. “I couldn't imagine why the Robot King of all people would want to meet me.” Most people would freeze in fear if the Robot King asked for them any warning. Even people in the highest positions in government all over the many universes. But Mr. Drake showed up with confidence in his ten thousand gold coin suit. People didn't know where the unique, unsettling black came from. It was from the fact it had been made from demon skin. The power and risk needed to get the skin justified its cost. Mr. Drake came to the meeting with four associates of his. They were powerful wizards of the highest caliber. He met all of them at an elven court and with enough money they became his best friends.
       “Welcome to my throne room Mr. Drake.” The Robot King would look like a simple male android. Realistic yes, but simple looking. He had no obvious weapons so why would he be scary. But the robot had political sway and over its long lifespan before politics it had traveled many unvirses and gathered much knowledge. And the Robot King kept the philosophy of spying and knowledge gathering. A saying came to be: “You never know what the Robot King knows.” Often when a politicians secrets are suddenly revealed its assumed that the Robot King revealed some hidden away blackmail. But even without blackmail the Robot King united many robotic kingdoms under his rule. He operated as a sort of controlling head while they acted under him. Almost like a parent and children. Blackmail was the peaceful way he fixed his problems. He had his armies. “I haven't seen someone so calm in front of me in such a long while.”
    “Why would I be afraid?” Mr. Drake continued to smile and flicked his large, thorny tail. His tail was incredibly long for his species. Another oddity of his was the fact he stood on his hind legs. Perhaps it was because of all the “business” he did with creatures that stood that way. “You're not going to hurt me.” Mr. Drake looked at the sixteen massive robotic guards around the king and all the turrets pointed at him and his wizards.
       The Robot King grew angry. “Are you taunting me?” He felt like the dragon should be the most afraid of him. “I don't need courts to prove you're guilty to throw you in prison. I don't need them to execute you. I'm King! Lawyers and deals can't save you like in your home universe.”
       “Exactly if you wanted me dead I would be already. My wizard friends here just helped me on the way here.” The dragon pointed his claw at each of them. “Now what could one of the most powerful, um, people in the universe want with a simple business man dragon like me.”
      “I need one of your products. Details of it must be private. Guards escort the wizards out of the room then leave me and the dragon alone. All turrets will power down along with all room cameras.” The guards looked baffled though the turrets, without much in artificial intelligence just followed the order. “Do it now!” The king of machine's speaker volume exploded.
      Mr. Drake looked at the machine and whipped his thorned tail. He approached the Robot King. “Now I'm curious.”
       “It's a simple matter,” The Robot King said. “I need to get something for me. I will naturally pay.”
The mafia dragon scratched his chin with his claw. “What could I possibly get that the great Robot King could not?”
“Something that requires your connections to the greatest of criminal wizards. I need you to get me a Soul Reconstructor. A Dark Magic product I know. You can have whatever you want in exchange for it.”
“By all the rifts why would you want a Soul Reconstructor? You're a robot! Why would you want something that repairs human souls so badly you'd offer me anything to get it?” Mr. Drake thought for a moment.   “Unless, no, you have a soul!” Mr. Drake had heard the tale of a scientist who made a child of his own by implanting a robot with a human soul with the help of a wizard. The dragon let out a small chuckle. “No wonder you wanted that kept a secret. That would be bad publicity with the other soulless robots.”
      “You're assumptions mean nothing. Will you or will you not provide me with it? Full secrecy that you are providing this to me must be kept.” The Robot King rose from his throne.
Mr. Drake could see desperation in the Robot King. Just in the way the body of the robot stood in the throne room and the android face looked at him. He knew he had control. He wondered how far he could push the king. “Alright. I want you're entire kingdom.”
     “As long as I enough resources to change my identity and flee you may have it.” The Robot King gave a hurried answer. He wanted the conversation over as quickly as possible. “Hurry getting the Reconstructor. I will admit you're right. My soul is dying. Not my body like a human. I'll be erased, not go to the afterlife.”
     Mr. Drake couldn't believe the king just accepted the offer. He expected a threat in return. When a deal became too unreasonable with other mob bosses that's what happened. Drake didn't actually want a kingdom that large. Robots wouldn't accept them as a leader. He wouldn't know how to run it without getting assassinated. “I was kidding.” He said with a puff of smoke. “I'll accept ten billion gold coins. Well paid in magical artifacts of that cumulative value. That amount of coins moving on its own would be suspicious.” Mr.  Drake gave it more thought and remembered this wasn't the normal business transaction. “On second thought I'll get you it for free. It'll be a favor.” The dragon decided he wanted to be on the King's good side.
        Mr. Drake then began thinking of his own habits of “elimating” loose ends and realized that since the king was so concerned about secrecy if the king would eliminate him after he supplied the Soul Reconstructor. Wouldn't be the first time he had to leave town. Though the Robot King had far longer reach.

Author Comment: Fun fact this story is a sequel to two of my earlier stories. I decided to do that for kicks. The Robot King and Mr. Drake are each from their own stories. (Though the Robot King isn't so much the protagonist in the story he was in since he was kid being made by the scientist)

Here's the story Mr. Drake appeared in:

Here's the story the Robot King first appeared in(it's an olllldddd one):

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