
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #UseTheFarce

“Don't be a part of the problem. Be a part of the solution.”

       Today I embarked on an email adventure! Awhile ago I came up with an idea. There were these guys that created shapes from music. Geometry of Music was what they referred to themselves as. I decided that, that might be utilized to help the blind. For awhile I thought of using sound to deduce things. But when I saw their video I thought of making a device that had a scanner to take in data and output music specifically with their tech. Pretty much the device is a scanner has a wire that leads to an mp3 player that has a headphone that plays music to correspond to the object. (The first blog post might not have communicated that quite clearly.  My previous idea was more basic sound.) Anyway after this breadth of time had passed enough emailing of them showed they did not have enough interest.
      I decided that this idea of creating a device to help blind people is a bit more important and shouldn't have been so lax and I shouldn't have waited so long to test their interest. They showed some initially but I should have debugged it more thoroughly.
      Anyway I searched more deeply and found another shape to sound maker and also after contacting them I also contacted blind organization charity thing that focuses on echolocation. I hope I can get the ball rolling on this. I got a response that shows good interest from the current shape to sound maker. Perhaps with the help of the charity organization I can put the ball into the motion.

Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Use The Farce

(I'm going to die master...)
(No, young one. Not while I'm here. My soul is bound to help you fight the evil empire.)
(You'll help me live?>
(Yes. I will always be with you inside your thought bubbles giving you advice. You're internal monologues will never be mono while I'm around. Even while you're at home alone...mmm..yes.)
(Master can we think about the possibility of me dying now?)
(Of course. You must be wary. You are going to fight the strongest soldier that the evil, evil empire has to throw at you. If you defeat this man in combat the rest of them will surrender to you out of fear. I have faith in you though.)
(But this is the man that killed you!)
(I know. Dark Pun. He is a master of the farce. But you can beat him my student.)
(With my mere Farcesaber?)
(That is all he uses. That and his puns. His terrifying puns. The absurd sillyness and stupidy and of them all. They made my mind physically numb. I actually started losing memories because they were so stupid. And the way he danced in those pink polka-dot pants. The lameness energy transferred to my body and I dropped my own Farcesaber. At that moment he killed me with his own.)
(You make it sound impossible!)
(But my student in the battle I saw his weakness! You have to counter the lameness. There are two powers within the Farce. The lame and the wit. Destroy his lame with your wit. Clever observations will raise your own energy and sarcasm will damage his. Mockery of individuals or concepts. Raise the level of intelligence of conversation. If his pun raises a subject turn that subject to something intelligent with wit. The man feeds off stupidity both its chaos to fuel him and its lameness to damage you.)
(Wit will guide me! I will use the Farce! My sarcasm will bring him down! I see him!)
“I will take you down Dark Pun!”
(No my student! Don't get so close! No, he's leading the conversation! Calm his jokes! He's getting off puns...and you're dead. That was quick. Well looks like I'm going to have to find another student.)

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