
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheParadoxGenocide

School House Rock*

       Today I used my dashing good looks to sweep a beautiful woman off her feet. Unfortunately she was a warrior-wizard-princess from another universe and she had to leave because her people needed her. Unfortunately I don't think we'll meet again but I gave her a heartfelt goodbye before she left through the vortex between universes.
        Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Paradox Genocide

        I've got a riddle for you. How can you attempt suicide by killing someone and end up killing billions of other people while giving birth to billions more? Then on top of that making it so that no one knows who you are? The core of the answer is simple and something that people have been thinking of the consequences of. Think a bit? Do you have it? The answer is:
         Kill your own grandfather.
          I wanted to commit suicide. Originally I wanted to do it with a gun. But there was a problem. With all the pain and suffering I had been through and my own instinctual cowardice I couldn't trust death's door. What would the afterlife give me? Would I keep my memories of my suffering where ever I went? So instead of just killing myself I decided I would back in time and kill my own grandfather. I access to the technology. I was one of the few people with access to the military time travel experiments. Finally working under their thumb would pay off I thought.
       I figured that the grandfather paradox would kill me. Erase me from existence. If my grandfather then my family line would be gone and I couldn't possibly be born. Being erased meant I would have never felt that pain in the first place.
       But the worst thing happened. When I killed him nothing happened. It didn't make sense. Time travel theories all over told me that I should be gone. But when I killed him nothing seemed to happen. I spent years in my grandfather's time trying to figure out what had gone wrong. I made it so that I couldn't be followed but that required the time portal being one way so I couldn't go back so I was stuck.
      I used my knowledge of the future to assist me. Things were different in many, many ways but enough was the same for me to make many safe bets to lead me along. With my new success in life I managed to leave the original depression that drove me to suicide in the first place, the only darkness left in my soul being the guilt for killing my grandfather. I made sure to use my knowledge of the future to cut off the resources to time travel projects.
        One day my depression returned when I realized what had happened. Why I wasn't erased. I was at the stock exchange and one random man said to another “Time sure flies here.” while the other responded, “For me it goes to a crawl. Guess time is relative.”
       That made it hit me. Time travel worked by messing around with relativity. In the space-time continuum everything had a sort of relativity to everything else as shown by Einstein. The time machine made the relativity of my matter go from being in the present to being in the past with my grandfather. So when my grandfather was killed I was no longer related to my grandfather as a future result of him. In the space-time continuum I was in the same place as him. So when my grandfather died no paradox, there was no me in the present that was a result of him anymore.
       Though this first part of the realization wasn't the part that caused my depression. It was the part where I realized that only I was safe from the paradox. The rest of the future beyond my grandfather including the other instances of me that had not gone into the machine was not safe from the paradox. If the way I under stood how the world would “correct” relativity moving objects and alternate time line like what I was experience would be line God had taken what existed previously and torn it up and
created something new. I realized that I had committed genocide of the entire universe for clumsy suicide. The only comfort being that maybe this “timeline” would be better. I doubt it would be enough to clear my guilt.
        I wonder if this guilt would make me depressed enough to be willing to pull the trigger and commit true suicide.

Author Comment: Well along with making a depressing story I also resolved that grandfather paradox that everybody keeps talking about in time travel(though I'm not sure how well I explained it in the story, bit of an info-dump) Also in my opinion when you think about it any time line change, even without the grandfather thing I outlined does erase all the previously existing people so doesn't that kill them? Time travel is weird.

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