
Monday, March 11, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheSecretOrganizationsIntentions

“A penny saved is a penny earned.”
M. C. Hammer* #Quote

      Reached a small conundrum in my book. Nothing extremly massive, just a plot decision. Enough for me to sit down and have to go “hmmmm” as it could have a ripple effect. I should have it resolved by noon tomorrow though. Sleeping on it and an extra few hours eh? CJ may come over this weekend.
       Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Secret Organizations Intentions

     FBI agent Drake Turner hunted the secret organization for a whole year with some of the finest resources the agency had behind him. Which secret organization? The organization of people who had viral spies everywhere and programs scouring Internet for information. They hacked nearly every database and made normal scientists look like cavemen in front of gods. Drake Turner's ultimate question was for what end? Why would they gather so much information? They had so much blackmail information, so much military intelligence, they had viruses inside nearly every military computer...they could topple any government easily. What purpose could all the information on every military serve if not to destroy it?
     He would be able to ask them himself. He'd broken into their headquarters, a place disguised as an innocent suburban home. Oddly enough, it was easy to break in. It seemed they put too much faith on the stealth of their programs to hide them. He didn't bring in a swat team because he thought there would be more defenses.
     The house was so plain, and he heard laughing and chatter inside. All over the walls he saw drawings of maps of famous buildings with various Xs and Os on them with arrows. Were they all attack plans for them?
      “So yeah...good roll, your spy saved the world!” He heard one of the conspirators say from the other room. The voice sounded very young. About high school aged. Definitely male.
      “You think those are fair odds for a sniper shot to hit?” A girl's voice added, also high school age.
      “Your program hacked the database that gave the information for the hit-chart.”
Drake had them. He stepped in the room with his gun held high. “Freeze FBI!”
Six people stood up and placed their hands in the air. They had no weapons and the entire room was full of paper, dice and miniatures.
      “Crap! They found-” one of the guys started to talk.
      “Shhh!” One of the girls said. In total there teenagers, three boys and three girls.
       Drake looked at all the papers and among them found a spy toy, he picked it up, confused. “What exactly were you doing?”
       “Fifth Amendment man! Fifth Amendment!” One of them yelled. Drake knew he was in the right place. But it all felt so wrong. He started looking at the papers and noticed charts and figures derived from some of the data stolen from military facilities. He then picked up one piece of paper labeled “Character Sheet”. On it was the name “Agent Cheesecake” and below it a list of stats then an elaborate back story for Agent Cheesecake. He has been divorced three times and has a pet chihuahua named Lily.
      “God, no, this can't be real.” Drake kept his gun high but his gut sank. “You hacked the highest security military facilities all over the make a game?”
      “The most realistic spy game in the whole world!”
       “Shh! I told you to be quiet man!”
        Drake looked at the spy toy in his hand. “And you were using this because you haven't made anything of your own custom miniatures.” He looked at the table and realized from the from the way that everything that was set up the tipped over dragon on the table must have been the miniature they were using to represent the villain that the spy had sniped. “Do you have any, any idea what you've done?” He looked at the collection of high school kids. They couldn't have been older than fifteen tops. He couldn't believe he spent the last year chasing after the digital footprint of crazy genius kids.
       “Made the best game ever?”
        Okay not genius. Just really good with computers.
       “All of this needs to be destroyed. And you need to thank God you're minors and won't spend the rest of your life in prison!”
        The youngest girl, who just turned thirteen, went on her knees, put her hands together and thanked God.
        One of them said, “God, when I have to explain this all to Mom it will be so awkward...”
       Drake glared at the kid. “You think your going to have an awkward conversation!? I'm going to have to explain this to my boss!”
        Soon afterward the game was confiscated by the government and hidden away in Area 51. Mostly because the government realized the game was so realistic that it could actually be used for warfare to dangerous efficiency. They put it next to the aliens and the jar where they keep Abraham Lincoln’s ghost. In exchange for their skills and a better understanding of the game the kids got off with a warning and were sworn to secrecy. The children now work for the government making software to spy on your emails to find terrorists. Everyone lived happily ever after.

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