
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #TheSplitSouls

“I hear voices.”
Alexander Granham Bell* #quote

Today I'm heading to the movies with brother for his birthday and then out to lunch thereafter. There will be much fun to be had. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

The Split Souls

A special girl named Alice wasn't born like all the others. Instead of having her soul spread between the multiple universes it was broken down to its evil and good parts evenly. An evil soul sent to one universe and a good soul sent to another instead of balanced ones. What follows is a time line of a fateful day in both their lives that intersected on the same date.

                              Good Soul                                          Evil Soul
7 AM                     Wakes up and gets dressed                Wakes up and gets dressed
                               for high school.                                   for high school.
8 AM                     Feeds dog.                                          Bullies neighbor's cat.

9 AM                     Goes to schoolbus talks with friends.   Decides to skip school.

10 AM                   Diligently attended school.                   Does mass graffiti all over the city block.

11 AM                   Continues working hard in school.       Doesn't get caught doing graffiti but gets
                                                                                       caught out of school and forced back in.
Noon                     Chat's pleasantly with friends              Bullies other kids during lunch hour.
                              during lunch hour.
1 PM                    Helps fallen handicapped person get up.   Pushes wheelchair bound person down a flight 
                                                                                            of stairs.
2 PM                     Gets 110% on test(got all extra credit)     Falls asleep in class.

3 PM                    Saves trapped student from classroom fire.   Starts a fire.

4 PM                    Takes praise humbly.                                     Shifts blame for fire to teacher.

5 PM                    Goes home to study like nothing                    Goes home, bullying kids on bus.
6 PM                    Works hard on biology homework.               Blows off all homework.

7 PM                    Realizes cure to all disease and                      Commits premeditated murder on a girl she
                             world hunger while studying and                    doesn't like in school. Kicks stray puppy on
                           is smart enough to write it down.                     way to girl's house.
8 PM                   Decides if she gets a Nobel Peace                  Her work is sloppy and she is caught by the
                           Price or anything else she will give                   police, she violently resists arrest.
                           the money to charity.
9 PM                  Tells her parents and they celebrate                 They bring her to the police station.
                           with some chocolate ice cream.
10 PM                It's a school night so she goes to bed               Under interrogation her cocky side is
                           early.                                                             revealed and she brags it's her ninth murder.

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