
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Today's #flashfictions Getting Into Shape

 “Take time for all things, great haste makes great waste.”
Cinderella* #quote

I've heard of Banana Phones. But what about Cucumber Phones? Are those just out of fashion? Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Getting Into Shape

        Lines considered social cliques exceptionally important. They vied to take friends from each other to make themselves the biggest group they could when they reached puberty. When lines reached puberty they no longer became lines but joined ends and became shapes, the more angles the better.
       Lenny the Line only had one friend for the longest time. When puberty neared he thought him and his friend may be stuck being a vector. But a group stole him away, not taking Lenny since Lenny's strange, anti-social nature could threaten the group's ability to stay together until the final day when their form takes shape.
        A line all alone results in a strange existence. They live as ugly, undeveloped children that become weak and unstable quickly with a short life-span. However Lenny didn't want to live like that. He wanted more. He may have been anti-social but he was willful. Out of his own will on the day of line puberty he did a marvelous thing. Lines normally just attached with each other but Lenny used all his might to bend his body and join ends with himself. He became a circle and self-reliant.

       The other young lines, now shapes, found him marvelous. They all wanted to know him, the individual after the joining process of puberty. Lines in following generations emulated him. Many of them more social, but still desiring individuality. Eventually the whole world of lines filled with circles.

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