
Friday, September 21, 2012

Today's #Scifi #fantasy short story #TheCodedSouls

“What goes up must come down.”

       Today I went to my fun, deliciously nerdy anime club. Today's theme for shows was old cartoons was shows from our childhood. Since there are like 30 people in the club I saw quite the variety of shows. I learned I shared some shows with people, and others I did not. I remembered also how hilariously cheesy kids shows can be. (We were going for like shows we saw when were 8-12 not like toddlers). I also realized how ridiculously long it had been since I had seen the first episode of Pokemon.
       Out of curiosity when I got home I looked at what episode number they're airing for the kids now...#740. And while I'm 21 the protagonist is still 10 mind you. Seems he's an immortal vampire lord or something. Maybe he's sucking the life force out of all the Pokemon he's catching and that's why he's always getting new ones and that Pikachu is the the only one spared because he's bound his immortal soul to it.

The Coded Souls

        Humanity didn't need television or books for entertainment anymore. Those were still made. But now something else existed. My reality. The virtual reality where humanity watched us from above. Or below. Or the sides. Or whatever angle they wanted. Even within our minds.
       I'm a program living inside an infinite plane of existence. And I'm, for a lack of better words, a soul. Right now I'm in limbo. But soon I'll be coded into some sort of being to give it form and emotion. Most likely it'll be human. But if they want a robot with emotion, or a spirit, or dragon, I'll be in it. Whatever will make the most interesting show. The most interesting story. A destiny will be coded into me.
      The destiny won't be specific actions. But instead they'll give me inclinations. A base personality that will be molded by the scenarios that follow after the start of the first scene. It's humans jobs, along with programs, to search through simulated realities to find out which ones had the most interesting stories unfold and present to the people. Millions of worlds and created and millions of coded souls are placed into them.
     I suppose I'm just an actor. I have memories of all my roles as I piggy back on a body...feeding it my emotions. I'm not even part of the virtual brain. Oh, the beings I've been. I've been the serial killers that murder off camera. Though I've had to witness them. I wish they would program those memories out...but they only do if it affects my performances.
     Eventually they do and I only remember having those roles so what do I have to complain about? Right now I just remember having those roles and no details. But I've heard other coded souls in limbo talk about those horrors and so I won't forgive the humans for making me go through that. Erasing the memories won't make me forgive I actually pretend sometimes that they are still there.
    I wonder what the humans think of my performances. It had better be worth making me sentient to my existence.

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