“I'm drawing a blank.”
Leonardo Da Vinci* #quote
You ever wonder how Superman shaves? If he's invincible what razor
could cut his hair? Anyway onto the flash fiction!
Dust Of Times Past
An old chalkboard with a single tiny crack in the corner stood
strongly attached to the wall of a university. The university had
quite the legacy to the point of being history itself when talked
about in classes. The old chalkboard had been there since the start
of the school, being one of the only items that had never been
replaced. Even when new wings of the school were torn down or built
it found itself being carted from room to room.
And the words of teachers decades apart mingled on that board
because even if the chalk was erased the dust remained, and no matter
how much someone wipes away particles of dust stay on the board.
Until finally that crack in the corner grows and the board is thrown
away. But then the words of new generations will find another way to
be left behind and mingle.
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