
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #ColonyDrop

“Who let the dogs out?”
Cruella de Vil* #quote

Look I made an anagram: mgaanra. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Colony Drop

       My parents told me: “Daniel, working at the space colony is every doctor's dream!” Well, it's not just them. It was everyone. Working there got you reputation, good pay, and living there was quite fantastic. Like a perpetual luxury resort really. With the highest wonders in technology around you.
       Well was is the key word.
       The colony is falling. Every lifeboat has been filled and left Yeah they called them lifeboats. They felt escape pods made the space colony sound to scary. And I'm left here. No one is coming to get me. I'm not alone in the colony. And the way the colony is going to fall. Well...fortunately for the people of Earth it's going to hit a small mountain range that was already evacuated. However I know I'm not going to live.
       I'm really not sure how hard I should cry if could. My parents raised me to be tough and to operate in a space colony of all things even with artificial gravity I habitually trained myself to be calm. No, I don't think that's it. I think it's because it doesn't feel real.
       I felt panicked and scared when people fought for lifeboats. And my heart sank to my gut when I gave my seat up for that kid. Call me an angel for giving my life up for the little guy, because I'll soon be one. But the instincts besides my altruism told me that was the stupidest thing I've ever done.
     I think I'm not panicked because I've been told I'm going to die. But I don't see someone holding a gun to my face. I'm not being stabbed. I'm not sick. They just told me and all I see is the blue Earth coming slower and slower and the colony's programming adjusting the artificial gravity to try to ease the fall for us. To make at least some parts of the crash and our deaths less painful.

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