“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...”
Teddy Ruxpin* #quote
Well I drew a lot today. Been awhile since I did some serious
drawing. I took a class so I'm decent, but it was still-lives and
drawing off of images you see so I can't really make my own stuff too
well. I can draw sketch versions of any picture though. Got a
portrait of myself drawn in a room I did for the art class. Maybe
I'll post my art in a sub-section of the blog if I ever do enough or
get a chance. I'm going to practicing more because I'll be doing
drawings of Mom's dogs for her Christmas present(not going to be a
surprise for her because I had to know what size to draw it based on
where it should be put). Anyway onto the flash fiction!
Who Let The Dragons Out?
“We're all doomed!” The wizards of the magic school shouted.
Dragons soared out the windows and crashed through the halls. They
ate up students and teachers of all ages. “Who let the dragons
out?” they all yelled, the dragons roared and the wizards said
again “Who let the dragons out?” Enchanted fire breath broke
through the most powerful of magical barriers. Left and right they
were all torn and gobbled up those poor wizards along with all the
magical creatures in the magical school. “Who let the dragons out?”
They were all sealed away in the most secret place, protected place
in the mystical, magical school. So who did let the dragons out?
The school principle of all people. Why would he? Well the old man
found out that day he was going to die soon from his crystal ball,
and he was the kind of man that would die bitter and angry. He
decided to give the kids a reason to run in the school halls.
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