
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #ASociallyAwkwardMeeting

Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.”
Harry Houdini* #quote

       Today I got a new Game Informer magazine. Read about some virtual reality goggles they were making. Sounds impressive. I had my own idea for a video game console based on virtual reality potentials. I wonder if they'll ever reach what I brainstormed as a future possibility. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

A Socially Awkward Meeting

     A man and a woman ran into each other in the woods. Almost smacking their heads together. It was midnight so this was expected. They looked into each others eyes. They noticed they both shared something in common. They both carried a shovel and dragged a heavy bag. And just from the shape they could both tell that the other's bags carried a body.
       "So, uh, come here often?” The man said to the woman.
       “Yeah, all the time!” She smiled back sweating. “I hike here like, every week, like all the time. Totally. During midnight. This is normal for me.”
       “Why, uh, me too. But uh, this is the first time I've gone this way. That's probably why I haven't run into you before.” The man nodded. “Right of course.”
       “Oh! Um, my bag is just some supplies.”
       “Mine too.”
       “Shovel clears away branches.”
       “Of course. That's why I have one.”
The woman groaned. “Ugh, who we kidding. We both know what's in each other bags.”
       “We could share a hole. It'd save time.” The man suggested with a shrug and uncomfortable grin. “I don't want to be out here long with my...cargo.”
       “Alright. Let's start digging.”
        So the man and woman dug and dug and eventually made their hole and threw the bodies in. Tired and sweaty they looked at each other breathing heavily while perched on their shovels.
       “Well I'm beat.” The man commented. “This has been one uncomfortable night in more ways than one.”
The woman then said on an impulse. “Want to go out for coffee later?”

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