
Friday, June 28, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #ThereOnceWasAFlashFictionWriter

“No such thing as bad publicity.”
Genghis Khan* #quote

          Well my friend Jessica's coming over tomorrow. I think much shenanigans and fun will be had. She hasn't come over in awhile because she had to deal with the horrible abomination that is bedbugs but they're all cleared out now. So yay! Anyway onto the flash fiction!

There Once Was A Flash Fiction Writer

Once long ago in a strange land filled with rednecks and nerds and everything inbetween and more there was a flash fiction writer. He wrote a blog where he posted stories daily. At least as often as he could. Mostly science fiction or fantasy, sometimes things different. Sometimes things with different formats, really odd and eccentric. And sometimes when he was in a rush and couldn't come up with anything better. He'd write something like this to make sure he got something done for his wonderful readers!

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