
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Today's #flashfiction #SpellPiracy

“One down, one to go.”
Elmer Fudd* #quote

       Today my family and I went to see the new Star Trek movie. It was about a bunch of gods who ran across stars in a race like “trek” sort of like those “walking on coals” kind of thing. It turned into a sort of sci-fi fantasy sports drama and was very engaging. Anyway onto the flash fiction!

Spell Piracy

        Hello everyone my name is Harold Merlini spell copyright lawyer of the Blue Phoenix Wizard's Guild. I'm here to discuss with you a little about spell copyright on behalf of the whole wizard guild and maybe for wizard's everywhere.
       That's because there is a big problem. Spell Piracy. It's hurting more and more wizards worldwide. Including you! People have been using other people's spells for a long time without permission Internet are stealing the work even more. Now you'd think that the spread of spells to everyone would be perfect and everyone would benefit. But by taking spells professional spell crafting wizards won't have the money to create more spells. So in the end nobody wants to make spells and that's how even the pirate is hurt by pirating.
       So remember kids don't download spells off the Internet without permission! Or the boogie man will get you! (We summoned one last week!)

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